Battle Of The Brews
Friday, January 10 | 7pm-1am – SOLD OUT
Don’t miss your chance to sip, savour and support your local breweries at Battle of the Brews! Sample new or limited release craft beers from premier local breweries and vote for your favourite to crown the Kootenay’s King (or Queen) of Beer!
The Deets:
- $30 entry fee includes complimentary shuttle, live music, 6 tokens (to try all the beers), raffle ticket, voting ballot and a chance to win the ultimate beer prize pack!
- Everyone that votes gets an entry into the draw for a brewery prize pack which includes swag from all attending breweries, YETI koozies and more!
- Additional tokens available – $2/token
- Full pints and other non-beer drink options will be available for purchase
- Swag from all the attending breweries will be raffled off throughout the night (raffle ticket included with entry)
- Live music from Dallas Wolbaum from 8pm-11pm

Featured Breweries:
2024 WINNER!

Check out the photos from last year!
Photos: Ashley Voykin