Be a part of our second annual Between The Peaks Music Festival. Whether you want your band to play, food truck to feed hungry festival goers, or just want to help untangle some electrical cords, let us know below by filling out the respective form.
Band, partner and vendor applications are now closed.

Be a part of our second annual Between The Peaks Music Festival. Whether you want your band to play, food truck to feed hungry festival goers, or just want to help untangle some electrical cords, let us know below by filling out the respective form.
Band, partner and vendor applications are now closed.
Volunteer Sign Up
We’re looking for capable, positive-attitude, music-loving volunteers to help us create an amazing atmosphere for Between the Peaks! Volunteers will be provided pass access to the event so when you’re not working, you still get to enjoy the weekend!
Vendor Sign Up
Have a business that could fit in well within our festival grounds? Let us know! Vendor application deadline July 1st.
Partner Sign Up
Is your business/company looking to have a presence and partner with Between the Peaks Music Festival? We have a variety of tiered sponsorship levels that will provide visibility to several hundred thousand viewers leading up to and during the event weekend.
Band Sign Up
Is your band interested in playing Between the Peaks Music Festival? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you. Band applications close June 7th.

Contact Us:
For media, press, or other inquiries, please fill out the form below or contact betweenthepeaks@redresort.com.