Waiver Liability Agreement
Date: Saturday March 15, 2025
Registration Time: 2pm-3:30pm
Racer Meeting: 3:45pm @ Fall Line Building – MANDATORY
Race Start: 4:15pm
Location: RED Mountain Resort – Magic Carpet Area
I am aware that dog races are a potentially hazardous activity, I am voluntarily participating, and agree to assume all risks of injury or property damage to myself and my dog.
I hold harmless the event organizers which include RED Mountain Resort and any organization or sponsor associated with assisting in producing this event.
The use of these premises and facilities and participation in activities on the premises are subject to the conditions set out in the Exclusion of Liability and Assumption of Risks Notice which is posted throughout the premises. These conditions will affect your legal rights, including the right to sue the Red Resort Limited Partnership for negligence, breach of contract or breach of the Occupiers Liability Act or claim compensation following an accident.
I agree to abide by the rules set forth below, regarding this dog race and fully understand the race wiener referee’s decisions are final and that this agreement is a complete release of liability for any incident whether by unintended negligence or accident.
Wiener Takes All Event Rules
The race will occur in a fully fenced corral with a maximum of 16 dogs participating at a time. Dogs must be kept on leash at all times when outside the track area and inside the track area until instructed by the wiener race referees. Dogs must be leashed immediately when they pass the finish and reach the end corral.
The wiener referees will determine and record the winner of each heat.
The rules below are presented at the mandatory racer meeting by the wiener referees. Volunteers will be available to provide any assistance that you might need.
- All racers must submit a registration form. All owners are required to sign a waiver releasing event sponsors and volunteers from liability and ensure their dogs are up to date on vaccinations/rabies.
- E-collars are prohibited during the race.
- All breeds are allowed to enter. Dog heats will be determined by age, weight and breed.
- Dogs that show signs of aggression will not be allowed to participate. In the event that your dog is aggressive towards another dog or person, they will be disqualified immediately.
- If there is a confrontation between dogs, the handlers must immediately intervene. All dogs involved will be disqualified.
- All dogs must have 2 handlers for the event. One of the two handlers must be 18 or over to participate. One handler will release the dog at the starting line and the other handler will “receive” the dog at the finish line.
- Dogs must be held at the starting line until the whistle is blown to start the race. No “throwing” of the dogs onto the track is permitted.
- Do not release the dog before the whistle is heard as a false start will disqualify the racer.
- There are two lines at the finish. The first dog to cross the first line is the winner. The second line is where all handlers will stand and receive their dogs.
- Handlers at the finish line must remain behind the second line & cannot reach into the track to catch their dog. Once their dog is caught, they must be leashed.
- The number of heats will be determined by the number of racers. The top 2 racers in each heat will advance to the next round.
- Owner’s must clean up after their dog. If you don’t, your dog will be automatically disqualified.
- We reserve the right to disqualify any pet/owner for behaviour deemed inappropriate.
- Dog handles at the finish line can bring a toy to entice their dog. No food is allowed in the race area. Please be considerate of the others in your choice of motivation for your dog. No laser pointers, lights or anything that may be distracting to other dogs/owners. No object may be tossed down the track.
- All dogs must have collars/identification tags and wear their bib bandana when racing.
- The wiener referees’ decisions are final.